Anxiety UK partners with Videodoc to launch online app therapy

Anxiety UK, the UK’s leading anxiety, stress and anxiety-based depression charity, has partnered with videoDoc, online doctor service and digital health technology providers, to develop an online therapy platform and mobile app to amplify the digital reach of the charity’s network of registered UK therapists.

The new service, “DOTS” (Digital Online Therapy Service) will boost the charity’s support service offer to those living with anxiety, stress and anxiety-based depression and help decrease waiting times by offering initially an extra 480 hours of online therapy appointments per week, which will grow in time based on need.

Currently over 6 million people in the UK are diagnosed as having work related stress, anxiety or depression. Yet, recent statistics from the NHS indicate that as few as 37% of adults actually access mental health treatment.

Prof. Mark Radford, Director of Nursing at NHS Improvement, said: “We have a collective commitment to help those affected by anxiety, stress and anxiety-based depression and recognise the toll these health issues can take on the population. NHS Improvement is supportive of any effort which helps to increase adoption of digital online therapies, within the context of offering improved choice and improved access for patients.”

Nicky Lidbetter, Chief Executive, Anxiety UK added: “We are proud to launch this innovative Digital Online Therapy Service (DOTS) which will provide more choice and treatment options not just to our members but anyone seeking help with their anxiety, stress or anxiety-based depression.

“DOTS will broaden the reach of our well-established Anxiety UK Approved Therapist network to include support for those who cannot/do not wish to incur any significant waiting time.”

Mary O’Brien, CEO, videoDoc concluded: “We are extremely proud to have supported Anxiety UK with the launch of their online therapy service. With DOTS, Anxiety UK is providing a wider choice for how its members interact with their recovery process. We find that time and time again, issues such as mobility and time resources are some of the biggest barriers preventing people from accessing treatment. Also, for people suffering with social anxiety disorders, engaging with a therapist in a conventional setting can prove extremely challenging. By offering services online you circumvent all of the above, allowing people to tailor their treatments around their lives, rather than the other way around.”

Members of the public can download DOTS from the App Store or Google Play, or access the service via the charity’s online platform.

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