Dr Nikki Kanani appointed as England’s Medical Director for Primary Care

GP Dr Nikki Kanani has been appointed Medical Director for Primary Care for the NHS in England.

Dr Kanani said “I am delighted to have been appointed as Medical Director for Primary Care at NHS England and NHS Improvement. This is one of the most central roles in the NHS for delivering even better treatment and services for our patients and I would like to thank friends and colleagues across the NHS who have been so supportive over the past year since I took on the role in an interim capacity.”

“It has certainly been a sharp learning curve, but over that year we have achieved so much – including publishing the NHS Long Term Plan with a core focus on Primary Care, agreeing an historic five-year GP contract, and building new relationships across the profession.”

Dr Kanani, continues to work as a GP in Bexley, south-east London. Prior to joining NHS England as Deputy Medical Director of Primary Care, she was Chief Clinical Officer of NHS Bexley Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).

Professor Stephen Powis, National Medical Director of NHS England, said: “Over the last 12 months Nikki has brought drive and enthusiasm to the role, using her wealth of experience both as a frontline GP and in a range of positions within healthcare as a clinical leader to improve patients’ care. I am confident this will continue in abundance and her energy and professionalism will continue to drive forward improvements for patients and GPs across England.”

Dr Kanani has held a range of positions within healthcare to support the development of innovative models of care, highly engaged clinical, patient and public leadership and is passionate about supporting primary care, improving service provision and population wellbeing. She said:

“The NHS Long Term Plan sets out a clear plan for a modern NHS with primary care at its heart, and as we deliver on this blueprint it’s clear that we need to tackle the challenges in recruiting and retaining the right workforce, which is why we are focusing on boosting GP numbers as well as bringing in thousands more physios, therapists and pharmacists as part of GP teams.”

Dr Kanani, who is a member of The King’s Fund General Advisory Council and holds a MSc in health care commissioning, says she sees the development of Primary Care Networks as vital:

“These networks represent another major advance for a new era of primary care, where general practice is sustainable, better able to connect with the community and pave the way for the future; with the very best of traditional GP services retained and enhanced with the latest available technology to improve patient care.”