Jo Farrar appointed Chief Executive of HRCH

Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust (HRCH) has announced that Jo Farrar will be its new Chief Executive.

Farrar, who has held the role on an interim basis since April 2021, will take on the position permanently, in addition to his role as Chief Executive at Kingston Hospital.

The new appointee, Farrar, said of the news: “I am really excited to be appointed to the substantive Chief Executive position at HRCH. I’ve really enjoyed working with the fantastic staff at the trust since April, so look forward to continuing to support them to provide the best care to people in Hounslow, Kingston and Richmond.

“I look forward to continuing to be a part of the HRCH journey, in the months and years ahead.”

Sian Bates, Chair of HRCH spoke of the appointment, noting Farrar’s “proven track record for outstanding leadership”, as well as his “enthusiasm and knowledge”.

Bates said: “Jo has been Interim Chief Executive at HRCH since 1 April. He has demonstrated his understanding of community services and a passion for further developing the crucial role they play in supporting the health and wellbeing of residents in our three boroughs, Hounslow, Kingston and Richmond.”

Sarah Blow, Chief Executive Designate of the NHS South West London Integrated Care Board, added: “I would like to congratulate Jo on his appointment and thank him for the work he has done in leading HRCH this year. I look forward to continuing to work with Jo in the new SWL integrated care system in the months ahead.”