Latest figures on registered blind and partially sighted released

NHS Digital has published the latest figures on the number of people registered blind and partially sighted. It comes from a dataset published every three years, first launched in 2003.

There were 20,945 new registrations in 2019-20, an increase from 20,605 who registered in 2016-17. It means that there were 57 new registrations each day, slightly up from 56 each day in 2016-17.

As at 31st March 2020, there were 276,690 registrations overall, which equates to five registrations per 1,000 people in England.

The report highlights that approximately one in three on the register, overall, has an additional disability, broadly unchanged since the last collection.

The data was submitted from 151 Local Authorities in England, however, some authorities have highlighted issues with data and reporting.

The data contains those registered blind and partially sighted in England and contains aggregate information on adults and children who have opted to register with their local authority.

To view the report please click here.