East Kent Hospitals to live stream endosurgery

Medics and surgeons from across the globe will be able to watch live endo-surgery streamed from the Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Hospital in Margate next month.

Staff at the QEQM, run by East Kent Hospitals, are holding an international course in endosurgery, including live-streaming several operations using an endoscope – a thin tube with a camera on the end that gives surgeons a close-up view inside the body and treat precancerous lesions.

The two-day course will include live-streaming from hospitals in America, Spain, India and Japan as well.

Dr Zach Tsiamoulos, East Kent Hospitals’ endoscopy lead, and a consultant in gastroenterology, said it was the first of its kind to take place from a Trust hospital.

He said: “We are incredibly proud to be running this first national and international virtual course.”

“It is part of our commitment to education and training, which has continued throughout the coronavirus pandemic as we have found new ways to share our knowledge and experience with colleagues across the world.”

“I feel very privileged to be involved in this and grateful to everyone involved in making it happen.”

Endoscopists and surgeons will share practical tips for operating using an endoscope, and the live surgeries will involve different parts of the body including the oesophagus and colon.

The event takes place on 14 and 15 December 2020, with registration free.

For more information, or to register, see www.sayso.health/events/kent-course-2020