Emergency fund for Royal Free London Foundation Trust

The Royal Free Charity has launched an emergency fund to support staff at the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust.

Many staff at the RFL are now caring for patients with COVID-19.

The RFL have a 10,000-person workforce with the trust and charity asking the public to support the Royal Free Charity Emergency Fund.

Other staff are still caring for patients that do not have COVID-19 but desperately need hospital care.

The charity aims to give psychological support, care packages for staff coming off of long shifts, to creation of physical respite spaces.

The Royal Free London state that ‘much of what (staff) will need will be funded by government, but not everything.’

Judy Dewinter, Royal Free Charity’s chair of trustees said “We are reaching out directly to the local community.”

“We are asking your local NHS staff what they need and your response is going to make a real difference to their lives.”

“Your donation will go directly to help them as they work under pressure and in the most challenging of circumstances.”

“This is about us caring for people who don’t have time to care for themselves right now because they are looking after our loved ones.”

“We have had children asking to donate their pocket money and offers of help from individuals and local businesses.”

“I am incredibly proud to launch this campaign and to ask for your help.”

“We want the message to be loud and clear for staff at our hospitals: ‘You are our heroes and we will support you with whatever you need.’”

Dominic Dodd, chair of the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, said:

“Every person on our team – from the doctors and nurses to the porters, cleaners and support staff, is playing a vital role in being there for others during this emergency.”

“Please join our team effort by showing your appreciation, gratitude and solidarity for them at this very difficult time.”