The £4m new Bolton Centre for Urology officially opens

The Bolton Centre for Urology officially opened last week, a new £4m urology unit.

The Bolton Centre for Urology, which accepted its first patients earlier this year, was moved from an older part of the hospital building to a new purpose built department near the Princess Anne Maternity Unit.

The new department is arranged around a central reception area, with assessment, diagnostic and consultation rooms to one side of the building and the operating theatre and day case suite on the other side. At the furthest end of the building is a series of offices for the clinical and administrative staff.

Chair of Bolton NHS Foundation Trust, Professor Donna Hall said “We were delighted to welcome Baroness Harding to open our brand new urology unit. Our urology facilities were in need of upgrading, as we knew that we could improve how we provided care for our patients. The new department has seen a significant investment by the Trust which we know is now of the standard our patients would expect. We’ve enjoyed hearing their feedback on what a difference it has made.”

Baroness Dido Harding, Chair of NHS Improvement who attended the open day said “It was my pleasure to open the new urology centre today and meet some of the wonderful patients and committed NHS staff who have worked together to design the new facilities. The new centre will help diagnose and treat hundreds of patients, enable the team to catch cancers and other illnesses earlier and save even more lives in Bolton.”